Process Hazard Analysis

Hazard Identification (HAZID)

  • Systematically identify and analyze the potential hazards in the installation of a facility and ensure all potential Major Accident Hazards (MAHs) have been identified;
  • Ensure that adequate systems and controls (proposed accident prevention and mitigation measures) will be in place to safeguard against the identified hazards;
  • Qualitatively analyze the potential risks;
  • Identify required risk reduction measures for further study to ensure that the risks are ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practical);
  • Identify potential changes required in the design; and Provide a basis for further safety studies (QRA, HSEIA), if necessary.

Consultants will provide HAZID chairman and scribe along with the software tools such as PHAPRO, PHA works for conducting PHA workshops.

Hazard & Operability study (HAZOP)

The HAZOP study is conducted to examine the overall process design, searching for operating deviations and process interactions that can lead to hazardous situations or operability problems, which include the following:

  • Critical examination of process and engineering intentions to identify all possible causes of deviations from normal operation that could lead to any safety hazard, environmental risk or operability problem
  • Assessment of hazard potential of mal- operation and malfunction of individual items of equipment
  • Analysis of possible causes and consequences and suggest recommendations for necessary changes/ alterations

HAZOP is conducted at various stages such as Front End Engineering & Design (FEED), Detailed Engineering & Design, Construction, Commissioning , Operations, Modification and Decommissioning stage.

Consultants will provide HAZOP chairman and scribe along with the software tools such as PHAPRO, PHAworks for conducting PHA workshops.

“What If” Analysis

“What if” is a systematic, loosely structured approach done through brainstorming sessions. This technique is predominantly used during the conceptual stage. Consultants will provide session chairman and scribe along with the software tools such as PHAPRO, PHA works for conducting PHA workshops.