Fire Safety Studies

Fire Hazard Analysis/ Fire Risk Analysis
Net work Analysis

Fire hazard Analysis

The scope covers the following:

  • Fire Hazard and vulnerability studies to identify potential fire hazards and problems
  • Estimation of fire risks considering all potential fire scenarios
  • Review of existing firefighting systems, programs and protection concepts
  • Address the identified fire risk issues and recommend measures to mitigate these risks, taking into consideration the existing fire protection measures that are available.
  • Carry out Cost Benefit Analysis/ ALARP of various options
  • Reviewing existing fire Emergency Procedure and provide recommendations.

Software tools such as PHAST and PHASTRISK will be used for assessment of fire risks. For acceptability criteria the corporate guidelines of respective company will be followed.

Net work Analysis

  • The scope of the study includes:
  • Check & review the adequacy of the Existing and the upcoming fire water network as per standards
  • Area wise water demand calculation as per the applicable codes.
  • Fire water network analysis will be done using KYPIPE hydraulic modeling software.
  • Evaluation of adequacy of Fire water storage and pumping capacity
  • Practical demonstration of the adequacy of the network at site considering minimum two fire contingencies.
  • Assessment of the changes required in the fire water network for implementation and modifications will be indicated on the overall plot plan.
  • Generation of process datasheet for recommended equipment such as pumps, tanks, hydrants, monitors, sprinkler, fire water header, etc.
  • Based on the fire network analysis, improvements on the network will be suggested.
  • Cost estimation for the recommendations / suggestions made in the fire fighting network analysis study.